September 13, 2017
“What other name roars?”
Elvis Presley defined and redefined music and touched countless lives in the process.
Here are some of your stories of how The King helped you live.
– Elaine Willis
“Elvis is my oldest love story. My husband knows that. I had a really intensive crush on him and it started 20 years ago while watching his movie ‘Speedway’ (although it’s not one of bis best) and seeing him for the first time in action. I watched it 43 times back then and… even kissed the TV!”
– Conny, a 32-year-old Elvis Lover from Germany
“My mother would frequently take the bus to the theater so she could see Elvis on the big screen. After seeing ‘Bue Hawaii’, she dreamed of going there. She passed away far too young and she was never able to make her dream trip to Hawaii; but I made it in her memory several years years after her passing.
“She loved all kinds of music, but there was only one Elvis.”
– Debra Tylwalk
“My dad would be gone for 5 days to a week trucking and my mother and I would be home. I’d see that she’d miss my father a lot. When I noticed she was having a hard time I would put on an Elvis record and it would brighten her day and make the wait for my father’s return just a little easier.
“They were wed on Nov, 15, 1965 and their wedding song was ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love With You’.”
– Matt Clay
“I had no idea who Elvis Presley was until I met the woman who would become my wife. At our 25th wedding anniversary I dedicated some of Elvis’s love songs in full costume to my wife.”
– John Morales
“I have loved Elvis since I heard his first song ‘Don’t’. I lived in Baltimore city, I was maybe 9.
“I know where I was when it came on the radio that he died. I cried so hard. He left us to soon, but God had plans for him that Elvis would never be in pain, suffer and grow old.”
– Donna
“I was born in 1947 and Elvis came into my life at the age of 10. I have always loved him and he cheers me up when I feel down. I’ve been to Gracelands and cried at his grave. He has and always will be my Number One, the best there has been and always will be.”
– Gloria Lee
“I found a beautiful boy that not only enjoyed Elvis’ music but also resembled him. We danced in my parents living room while listening to the iconic ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love”! I will remember that moment forever. As we danced I sang softly into his ear it was so romantic.
“When the song was over he looked up at me and slowly but sweetly said, “You have a horrible voice.”…”
– Cat Cino
“My love story all begin when I was 14 years old. I still love his music, movies and the person he is. Elvis voice makes me forget about my battles with cancer and with multiple sclerosis, that God always has my back. Elvis Presley is my soothing voice.”
– Nicole Cano
“From the time I was about five until my grandad fell ill to Alzheimer’s this year and passed, we would dance together to Elvis.
“When I was pregnant with each of my four children I would put the headphones on my belly and turn on Elvis and feel them dance in my belly. Now all four of them years later love and dance to Elvis.”
– Danielle Combs
“Started collecting Elvis records in ’57 and was lucky to meet and marry Maureen, an ardent Elvis fan herself, in 1959. In ’61 Maureen was taken to hospital seriously ill. She thought she was going to die. I wrote to Elvis and requested a get well message for her – two notes arrived from Graceland. One to Maureen in hospital and one to me at our home.
“Maureen recovered. Our thanks to Elvis.”
– Maurice Colgan
“Elvis Presley was like my come to Jesus moment. I didn’t know music until I heard him. I didn’t know rhythm until my body shook along with his.
“What other name roars?”
-Cait Moore
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Elvis Presley’s ‘Aloha from Hawaii via Satellite’ 50th Anniversary Edition
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Video of the Week: Elvis Presley ‘Jailhouse Rock’
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Video of the Week: Elvis Presley’s ‘My Way’ (Aloha from Hawaii concert, Live in Honolulu)

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